Saturday, September 19, 2009

Friday, September 18, 2009


Just real quick:

-I hate women who think it's ok to breast-feed in public. Your child is not going to starve, and your baby is ugly anyway.

-I loathe people who need to rush into the fucking subway cars before they let people out.

-I despise really muscular, jocky douchebags. I could be really jacked too if I wasn't smoking and masturbating all the time.

-I detest bikers who think that the laws of traffic don't apply to them.

-I abhor being ID'd for NyQuil and Playing cards. What do they think I'm going to do with them? Gamble until I'm naked, penniless and running through the streets tripping on cough medicine? And that's ok if I'm over 18?

-I am disgusted by people who can't seem to figure out escalators work on the system of "Stand right" - "Walk left". When I miss the train by mere seconds because I was stuck behind some self-absorbed RETARD, I just want to rip out my fucking hair and throw myself onto the tracks to be eaten by rats.

Thanks for your time.


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Smoke a lil' weed

I wrote a poem:

Life got you down?
Smoke a lil' weed.

Your cat just drowned.
Smoke a lil' weed.

You gained 40 pounds.
Smoke a lil' weed.

Raped by a clown.
Smoke a lil' weed.

Drug-sniffing hound.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Women - Love/Hate

Top 5 things I Hate about women

1) They wont have sex with me.
2) They spend extraordinary amounts of money on shoes.
3) Liars!
4) I have no idea what they talk about when guys aren't around.
5) They can be.. at times.. a tad unreasonable.

Top 5 things I Love about women

1) Some actually have had sex with me. And I thank them from the bottom of my heart.
2) Those perfumes drive me nuts.
3) I have no problems with a large behind. Or a perfectly rotund one for that matter.
4) They tend to make me act more appropriately. If I have a chance to have sex with one of them, I don't want to blow it.
5) Unconditional love.


What's wrong with America

Everything. Well, not everything. Most things. And they are all stupid.

How many fucking reality TVs shows can they come up with? And the really scary thing is, they are ALL THE SAME. I'm not sure how many shows they can cram with ditzy women, testostoronic dudes, testicle eating and ridiculous drama that no one should care about.

So what's wrong with America? We DO care. WHY?! Dear god, sometimes I feel like I'm the only sane one in this nation because I pride myself on hating every show that comes out. It's all the same fucking rubbish. I had to watch some of "My Antonio" because a girl from my high school is on it. About 20 minutes in I was ready to stab out my fucking eyes with icepicks and stick a cactus under my sack just to ease my mental anguish.

Seriously, who gives a shit if these horrendously fake reality TV stars find love? And it just gets worse the higher your celebrity status, just look at Kanye. Sometimes I just wish a bomb would go off at one of those shows. I don't wish death upon these celebs, just serious, career-ending injury. Like a huge, horrific scar on the face.

Some other things that are wrong with America:

-Everything costs a million dollars

-I give my bus seat up to old ladies all the time and there's never a hot chick to see it.

-Subways are crowded with rude and diseased people who often smell of death and worse things.


-Little kids don't get beat enough. Fucking kids run wild here and don't get smacked enough when they step out of line. You get little smart ass twelve year-olds cracking jokes about how short you are.

In conclusion, there are plenty of things to discuss but I simply don't have the energy. My solution to it all is to boycott everything and live in a shanty somewhere in the woods. But then again, that seems to be the best solution to most of my problems.


Monday, September 14, 2009


My posting on

"Everyone who says we are too quick to judge isn’t really grasping the whole scope of this. It’s common knowledge that Kanye is an arrogant jerk-bag who thinks he’s the most important thing to ever grace this Earth. This ridiculously rude faux pas just confirms this.

Who the hell is he to say which video should win? Simply because the video HE thought was best wasn’t chosen, he seems to think he has the right to tell us all “what’s what.”

Kanye does nothing for humanity and claims he is helping people. All he cares about is money for himself. I hope he has his balls cut off and has to watch as Eddy Curry steps on them."

FUCK Kanye West. If anyone deserves to have their nuts cut off, it's him. Oh, and Terrel Owens. Both of these cock-trampolines need to be humbled. And if you can think of a better way... well I'm all ears.

I know it's not cool to wish death upon anyone..but to quote Stewie Griffin: "And it's not so much that I want to kill her, it's just, I want her not to be alive.. anymore."


My First Blog

Balter here. If you're reading this, you probably know me. If that's the case, you're probably aware I'm filled with hate. Loads of hate. Hate towards stupid people. Hate towards douchebags. Hate towards slow-walkers, people with rolling luggage, lime-green pants, people who make me miss the train because they were blocking the turnstyle, hell... even hate towards you (just a little).

As a form of therapy, I have created this blog. It will allow me to release my bridled anger in the form of rants and raves which may or may not offend you. I'm shooting for "may offend."

Enjoy. Or suck it.
